Frequently asked questions


How do I qualify for the REVENEXT advance program?

  • You must be a business that currently receives marketing rebates or other payments from your suppliers/vendors that require you to fulfill certain contract conditions in order to receive payments.

How do I get my funds?

  • Upon approval REVENEXT will ACH or wire your funds to the bank account of your choice.

How long does it take to receive my funds?

  • Funds are usually sent within 24-48 hours of approval.

What types of marketing rebates can I advance against?

  • Generally, any type of rebate that is formally documented with your supplier that requires fulfillment on performance obligations (sales quotas, marketing placements, or holiday promotions).

Do you conduct a credit inquiry and does this impact my credit score?

  • No. While we may request certain personal information to verify your identity we will not obtain your personal or business credit report as a part of our REVENEXT advance decision.


  • Yes. If you are approved for a REVENEXT advance, the funds will be deposited in your business bank account as long as you continue to operate your business and meet the conditions of your contract your advance will be repaid by your supplier net of your fee.   

Is a REVENEXT advance a loan?

  • No. REVENEXT is a merchant cash advance which is less likely to impact any covenants or conditions that your company may have with their existing lender.

Is this different than invoice factoring

  • Yes. REVENEXT advance uses sales data to advance funds to your business before the invoice is generated by your supplier.  This is up to 90 days faster than traditional factoring.

Is there a maximum length of time that I can request an advance?

  • No. REVENEXT will evaluate your businesses history and your performance conditions over time to determine if we are able to advance funds against your current contract.

How do I pay back?

  • You will be required to assign your suppliers receivables to REVENEXT and be assessed a small fee for our service.  Upon fulfillment of your contract conditions REVENEXT will receive payment from your supplier.  

How do I renew?

  • REVENEXT will notify you 30 days prior to the expiration of any contract.

What happens if my marketing rebate was more than anticipated?

  • If your rebate is more than anticipated, REVENEXT will remit the excess funds to your business bank account. 

How will my fee be determined?

  • Your fee will be determined based on a review of your business, the terms of your rebate agreement, duration of your advance as well as other factors.

What businesses are eligible for REVENEXT advance

  • Your business must be in operation for at least 12 months and have a relationship with your supplier of at least 6 months.

  • Your business must be in good standing with the state in which it is registered.

  • Your business must be located in the 50 US states.

What happens if I don't fulfill the requirements of my supplier contract?

  • In the event that you are unable to meet the requirements of your supplier contract, you are still responsible for settling your balance with REVENEXT.  You can self pay via phone or we will enroll you in an installment plan.